
Beyond Everything Radio!

What if religion has so highjacked our lives that liberation from it seemed wrong? This question started this online community over a decade ago and became the query which launched this podcast over eight years ago.

Rediscover the Good News when it is extracted from 2000 years of church history. Join us as we learn to see and de-code the worlds institutional powers as each becomes increasingly more religious. 

Liberation is possible when we are no longer over-identified with such principalities and powers, and we discover ourselves transparently grounded in God.

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Who am I?


I'm not a famous person. I'm just like you. I have job. I go to work. I recycle. Like you, I'm not one dimensional. I have many spheres in which I interact with the world. I'm one of those contemplative deep thinkers, I ask critical questions,  maybe I'm even a bit of an over-analizer...but behind it all I'm striving to discover wider and wider aspects of the Truth, so that we can all regain our lives and begin experiencing Heaven here and now.. I have no agenda other than to freely give away all that I've discovered to any who would come.